Your Personalized AI Assistant

Efficiently manage your tasks and schedules with ease

Our personalized AI assistant helps working professionals, especially those with ADHD, who want to organize their daily activities by providing them with a personalized platform that takes care of the planning for them

Empowering Individuals with ADHD

Discover the tools you need to enhance focus, boost productivity, and stay organized with our innovative solutions meticulously crafted to address ADHD symptoms in ways other apps don’t.

Our service is designed to help you navigate through the chaos and bring structure to your life, making it easier to stay organized, focused, and productive.

Have any of these problems?

Difficulty prioritizing

Trouble focusing

Too many apps


Decision fatigue

Struggle to complete assignments

We have the solutions

Personalized assistant

Guided organization of projects

Smart reminders

Guided daily routine

Automatic revision of plans upon failing

Our service can do so much for you

Task Organization

Prioritization Aid

Time Management

Goal Setting and Tracking

Design of long-term project roadmaps

How our service works

  • Sign up and meet your AI virtual life manager, designed to understand your goals and manage your daily routine effortlessly.

  • Tell your AI assistant about your goals, deadlines, and projects. It’s tailored to handle everything from work to self-care, making planning seamless.

  • Your assistant breaks down big projects into small tasks and crafts a personalized daily plan. It adapts to changes, keeping you on track without the stress.

  • Track your progress and uncover insights into your productivity patterns for continuous improvement.

  • Concentrate on completing tasks while Plan-it-Out manages your schedule. Achieve your goals with less stress and more efficiency.

What our customers have to say

Let’s work together

Help us improve our product. Let us know your needs and customize the app for YOU.

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